Welcome to the NEBOSH Learner Guidance Page

Classroom Homework

Click the steps below and follow the steps:

Step 1: Complete Questions

  • 1.1
  • 1.2
  • 1.3
  • 1.4
  • 1.5

Step 2: Check your answers against the sample answers and then email your answers to me.

Questions NG1 Homework Questions-Element 1-4

Sample Homework Answers

Complete questions:

  • 2.1
  • 3.1
  • 3.2
  • 3.3
  • 3.4
  • 3.5

Send these to me for marking.

Questions NG1 Homework Questions-Element 1-4

Sample Homework Answers

Complete the remaining questions but do not send these to me for marking. You should now be at the stage that you can self mark these using the sample homework answers.


  • 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9

Here are the videos of our Fire Safety tour, this forms part of NG2 when we cover Fire Safety

Fire Safety Tour – Video 1 of 2:

Fire Safety Tour – Video 2 of 2:

Unit NG1 Exam Guidance

This is the guidance for the NG1 Open Book Exam:


  1. Watch the guidance video shown in Step 3 every day until you have practically memorized it
  2. Then watch the video again on the exam day just before sitting your exam
  3. Attempt the mock exam around 1 week before your exam
  4. Sample answers are provided all you need to do is to expand on the answers using your knowledge, examples and the scenario. Do not send your answers to NC Skills for marking. Please self check your answers and then compare your answers against the structure in the guidance video.

Move onto Step 2


ACTION 1 Save the documents below to your desktop before moving onto Step 3

Document 1: Useful research Links

Useful Research Links

Document 2: Mock Exam Paper

Sample Exam Paper

Document 3: Sample Answers

Examples answers

Document 4: Blank Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet

Now move onto Step 3

ACTION 2 – Watch the exam guidance video:


Watch the video every day. I know it can be annoying watching it over and over again but if you want to pass first time round then follow these instructions

ACTION 3 -Attempt the mock exam 

Don’t worry about timings.

However try and spend time every day until your exam date. For example spend 30 minutes to 2 hours per day.

Sample answers are provided all you need to do is to expand on the answers using your knowledge, examples and the scenario. Do not send your answers to NC Skills for marking. Please self check your answers and then compare your answers against the structure in the guidance video.

Unit NG2 Risk Assessment

ACTION 1 – Watch the following video then move onto “Step 2”:


ACTION 2 – Save the documents below to your desktop then watch the video below before moving onto Step 3

  • Document 1: Blank Risk Assessment Template

Blank Risk Assessment Form

  • Document 2: NC Skills Example Risk Assessment

NC Skills – Example Risk Assessment

  • Document 3: NEBOSH Guidance

NEBOSH Guidance – May 2021


ACTION 3 – Watch this video then complete PART 2 of the Risk Assessment:


ACTION 4 – Click below to download the NEBOSH Example for PART 1, 3 & 4:

Example NEBOSH Risk Assessment

ACTION 5 – Watch this video first prior to completion:


ACTION 6 – Next complete PART 1 of the Risk Assessment:

ACTION 7 – Refer to the NEBOSH example Risk Assessment to help you complete PART 3  

ACTION 8Click and refer to the example below if you have misplaced your copy:

Example NEBOSH Risk Assessment

ACTION 9 – Watch this video below prior to the completion of PART 3:


ACTION 10 – Now complete PART 3 of the Risk Assessment:

ALSO: Here is the old version showing the Risk Assessment Matrix for severity. As mentioned in the video:

Old – Part 3 Matrix

ACTION 11 –  Watch this video prior to completion:



ACTION 12 – Now complete PART 4 of the Risk Assessment